In the world of special education and service systems for youth with disabilities, transition describes the coordinated set of services that helps a young person with a disability move from school to postsecondary activities. Transition should be student-centered and student-driven, focusing on the strengths, needs, interests, abilities, and goals of the young person. Transition planning is an individualized and unique experience for each student, but there are several steps that should be taken to encourage student participation and self-advocacy.
As early as age 12, begin including your student in discussions of transition services and planning
Work on independent living skills at home and in school: communication, travel, socialization, daily life activities, self-determination, self-advocacy, career exploration, etc.
Explore transportation options together, including travel training through school or other support programs and MTA programs (Access-A-Ride, Reduced-Fare MetroCards)
Encourage your student to build out their resume by applying for Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP), summer internships, volunteer opportunities, and/or Training Opportunities Program (TOP)
Obtain photo ID card
Register to vote at 18 years old
Educate your student on change in law: entitlement - eligibility (IDEA - ADA)
Discuss post-secondary accommodations/programs needed
Help your student research, tour, and apply to post-secondary training and/or adult disability service programs
Encourage student to participate in final IEP meeting
Explore/apply to appropriate state supports: ACCES-VR, OPWDD, OMH