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A list of links and resources for New York State families, youth and transition professionals to enable people with disabilities and their parents to better understand programs, services, needs and promote independence and self-advocacy.


REACH for Transition: Resources for Employment, Access, Community Living, and Hope


Resources for Access, Independence, Self-Advocacy and Employment (RAISE)


Preparing for Life After High School: The Characteristics and Experiences of Youth in Special Education (Institute of Education Sciences - NCEE Evaluation Brief)

Employment Related Resources

Self-Employment and Microenterprise: A Customized Employment Option

FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: Using Customized Employment’s Discovery and Group Discovery Models to Promote Job Seeker Success in American Job Centers

What you need to know about Section 504

Cyber Disclosure for Youth with Disabilities

IDEA and Section 504 Side by Side

Essential Skills to Getting a Job

Helping Youth Develop Soft Skills for Job Success: Tips for Parents

Impacts of SSI on Other Government Programs --- Social Security Web Page of Information

Social Security Disability SSI - Eligibility Requirements and Criteria to Qualify --- Social Security Disability SSI Resource Center Web page of Information

Understanding SSI Eligibility Requirements - 2015 --- Social Security Web Page of Information


Get the Job ... Keep the Job! (video 26 minutes)

Promoting Employment and Economic Advancement: A Toolkit for CILs and AJCs

Making My Way Through College

Hidden Disabilities

What is the Ticket to Work Program (video 5 minutes)

Welcome to the Path To Work – Paths 1, 2, 3 and 4

Ticket To Work Interactive Website (Interactive Directory)

Customized Employment

Work Early, Work Often: Parents/Caregivers of Young Adults with Disabilities (video 3.5 Minutes)

Flexible Work Arrangements & Customized Employment

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Overcoming Online Application Barriers

Debunking the Myths - Work and Disability Benefits

Customized Employment

Employment Skills

My Next Move

Work Early, Work Often: Parents/Caregivers of Young Adults with Disabilities

Judge Approves Shift Away From Sheltered Workshops

Job-Hunting Tips for Adults with Disabilities


Independent Living Resources


VisionConnect – Website

MAKING YOUR POINT: Active Listening - video

National Service Opportunities: Questions and Opportunities for People with Disabilities

Inclusive Civic Engagement: An Informational Toolkit for Families and People with Intellectual Disabilities

Guidebook: Six Proven Practices for Effective Civic Learning

TechMatrix - Website

Disability Disclosure

Grants for Home Modification: 16 Resources for Homeowners with Disabilities

Developing Financial Capability Among Youth: How Families Can Help

Ten Tips That May Help Your Child’s Transition to Adulthood


ILRU Directory of Centers for Independent Living (CILs) and Associations

Federal Court Rules Properties Must Be Accessible to People with Disabilities Before Occupancy

Renting with Disabilities


Adult Systems and Services Resources


What You Need to Know About Your Supplemental Security Income (SSI) When You Turn 18


Applying for Social Security Disability Benefits for Transition Age Youth by Lucy Miller --- 25 Minute Webinar

IRS Relaxes Rules For New ABLE Accounts


Finding Your Path to Employment with Ticket to Work in American Sign Language --- 21 minute video


ABLE National Resource Center --- Website

Resources To Assist Youth With the Transition To A Successful Adulthood


Transition Related Resources

Listening to Young People

Getting Ready for When Your Teen Reaches the Age of Majority: A Parent’s Guide

RSA: Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act --- Website

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Overview

Evidence-Based Practice Summaries “Transition” (last bar on list)

Defining College and Career Readiness: A Resource Guide

Independent Living Checklist for IEP Teams

Deaf-Blindness: Transition to Adult Life Parent Mini-Guide

Deaf-Blindness: Transition to Adult Life Fact Sheet

Understanding the Role of Individualized Learning Plans in Transition Planning for Youth with Disabilities

Best Practices for Engaging Youth with Disabilities

Transition Goals in the IEP

Transition “Starters” for Everyone


Transition to Adulthood

Transition Planning

WIA is Now WIOA: What the New Bill Means for People with Disabilities and the 4-page brief

A to Z of Disabilities and Accommodations

Potential Consultants to the Transition Team

Education/Training Connections

Ten Tips That May Help Your Child’s Transition To Adulthood


Laws, Policies, Rights, & Regulations


WIOA An Overview --- Fact Sheet

WIOA A Detailed Look --- Fact Sheet

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